Tour of site marks completion of Ballymoney Environmental Improvement Scheme
Jan 07, 2025Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council has hosted a special site tour to mark the completion of the environmental improvement scheme in the High Street area of Ballymoney.
It represents the Department for Communities’ commitment to funding environmental improvement schemes as identified as a priority in the Ballymoney Town Centre Masterplan.
The scheme involved the upgrading of lighting, new paving and widening of the pedestrian walkways, new inlaid historical features and upgraded street furnishings. A strong emphasis was placed on improving safety and accessibility and providing improved space for public events.
Communities Minister Gordon Lyons said: “I am really pleased to see the completion of this public realm project. It has transformed the centre of Ballymoney and shows what great results can be gained through collaborative working, both across departments and with our colleagues in CC&GBC. I would also like to thank the contractor, CIVCO Limited and the design team, Nicholas O’Dwyer & WH Stephens.
“I am fully supportive of regeneration schemes that help breathe new life into our towns and cities and support local businesses, ensuring long-term viability and prosperity. I hope the benefits of this investment will be enjoyed for many years to come and Ballymoney continues to be a place where people want to work, visit and live”.
Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens, Councillor Ciarán McQuillan, welcomed the improvements saying: “This is a major step forward in enhancing and upgrading Ballymoney Town Centre.
“Council continues to invest in our town centres to help them become welcoming places where people will want to spend time enjoying the scenery, exploring our shops, local businesses, and attractions
“This scheme is a great example of how working with partners such as the Department for Communities can deliver improvements that attract greater business, hospitality, and recreational investment, as well as creating safer and more appealing surroundings for locals and visitors alike.
“I would like to extend our special thanks to the Department for Communities for their commitment and funding of this scheme, and to both the design team and contractor for completing the work to such a high standard.”
After the initial design work and public consultation was concluded, the work moved into the construction phase of the project in February 2024 and was completed on schedule in mid-November 2024.
The financial commitment for construction works to this area was £1.4 million with the Department for Communities providing full funding to Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council.
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