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Transforming Lives and Restoring Confidence: Meet Andrea Spence McConaghy, the Hairdresser Defying Hair Loss

business local news Jul 06, 2023
Geoffrey Moffett - Romaya Hair and Makeup & Brows

Andrea Spence McConaghy is the hairdresser who is restoring hope for men and women who suffer from hair loss.

This article is part of the Our CQ Summer Edition Magazine.  To read more articles like this, click here. 

In a world that often celebrates luscious locks as the epitome of beauty, the harsh reality of hair loss can be an incredibly distressing experience. While it affects both men and women, its emotional toll on the latter cannot be overstated.

For women, their hair is often seen as symbolising femininity, identity, and self-expression and losing it can leave them feeling vulnerable, self-conscious, and even questioning their sense of self.

Amidst this emotional turmoil, Andrea Spence McConaghy, is changing the narrative with her breakthrough hair loss solutions at c

With her expertise and a range of cutting-edge hair loss systems, Andrea is transforming lives, not just by restoring hair, but by rekindling confidence and self-worth.

“I decided to start doing a mesh integration system four years ago for people suffering from hair loss. There was nowhere here and people had to travel to Dublin for this system," Andrea explained. “I had so many clients coming in, women especially, worried about hair loss whether it was because of chemotherapy treatment for cancer, hormonal or female pattern baldness.

“There are places in Belfast and elsewhere who just do wigs, but we have so many younger girls who don’t want to wear a wig. Ladies were telling me, ‘I’ve got a wig, but I have to take it off at night, and I don’t want my husband or my kids to see me like that’.

“After hearing so many unhappy stories, I decided I want to do this, and it is so rewarding, I love it so much! To see someone coming into the salon that has been hiding away for years or a young girl who isn’t out dating because their confidence has gone and then to see them in here crying with joy when I can restore their hair through the use of these great systems is just heartwarming.”

Trust, Andrea explains, is a fundamental pillar of her practice.

“You build a bond with these clients because they trust you when they are most vulnerable. Keeping my clients’ confidence is a massive thing for me."

The mesh integration system that Andrea utilises is similar to getting hair extensions, with an additional piece going on top for a natural look.

"We can do a full head with this system. We use a surgical mesh applied to the scalp so it can breathe and your hair can grow underneath. We then build the hair around the mesh. It's very individual to each client, and we get it as natural looking as possible."

Recognising that one size does not fit all, Andrea expanded her offerings.

“Last year, I decided to train in four new systems that are attached with surgical tape. I make a mould of the scalp or if it’s just a spot of alopecia of that and then build it in so we can treat that one area and it’s the same for men with male pattern baldness.

“For someone who has lost all their hair, we have a system called Airskin. It's like a membrane which is attached to the skin. It doesn’t come off in the wind or rain; you can wear it all the time, go swimming, tie your hair up, anything you would have done with your hair!"

Privacy is also of paramount importance in Andrea's salon.

“We have a private area, so no one feels uncomfortable. A client can book a private consultation, and then we'll talk it through and see what system works best for them.”

Continually pushing the boundaries, Andrea reveals exciting plans for the near future.

“In the next few months, we'll bring a diagnostic camera to help treat scalp problems. Hair loss problems often stem from issues on the scalp, and sometimes all we need to do is remove the build-up of DHT so the hair can grow through.

“The plan is that within the next year, we will have a complete hair, scalp and wig clinic set up and no matter what the issue is we will be able to help.

“I have worked in hairdressing for 35 years and now I have finally found something I love and I’m really passionate about. I want to be able to help make a difference to people’s lives.

“My mum suffered from hair loss all her life and I saw what it was like for her. I got mum sorted a while ago, giving her a new lease of life. She has so much confidence now and even though she is 75 she is loving life. I just wished I could do that for her years ago.”

Andrea Spence McConaghy is a woman on a mission – to ensure that no woman (or man) ever has to feel less than herself due to hair loss.

“I love to be able to say to clients, ‘Yes, I can do something for you’ and to see their faces when they walk out of the door with their self-confidence and self-esteem restored. That’s worth more than money."

Romaya Hair and Makeup & Brows

41 Kingsgate Street,


Tel:028 7032 9925


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