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Unleash Your Best Self in 2024: New Year, New Habits, New Hobbies with Fitness Guru Steph

business local news Jan 04, 2024

Every December many of us find ourselves making promises to transform our lives come January. "New year, new me" becomes the anthem, echoing through our minds with the hopeful anticipation of a fresh start. Plans to shed weight, drop a dress size, hit the gym regularly, or embark on a restrictive diet are commonplace resolutions.

But how often do these well-intentioned aspirations crumble a month or two into the new year? If this sounds all too familiar, you're not alone. Steph experienced this cycle almost annually until she underwent a transformative shift in mindset—one that focused on setting and achieving different kinds of goals.

Instead of fixating on the generic aim of "losing weight," Steph set her sights on something more specific in 2023: mastering the "Straddle" in Aerial Hoop. Dedication and consistent training led her to the exhilarating moment, 13 months later, when she finally achieved her goal. The sense of accomplishment was unparalleled, marking a departure from the cycle of unfulfilled resolutions.

In her Hula Hoop pursuits, Steph aimed to master moving the hoop on and off her body from waist hooping. Through dedicated effort and perseverance, she conquered this goal as well. In the background of these achievements, Steph also shed 2st in 2023—an accomplishment that had eluded her for years. While the weight loss was celebrated, the true reward lay in the fulfillment of the skill-based goals she had set for herself.

As a Fitness Instructor, Steph imparts her wisdom to students and customers: prioritize enjoyment. Rather than approaching fitness as a chore, find classes and hobbies that bring joy, making it easier to stay committed long term.

Steph hosts weekly Zumba, Hula Hoop, and Aerial Hoop classes in Coleraine and surrounding areas, offering a diverse range of options. Zumba enthusiasts can book weekly sessions with the option to book until the end of April. The philosophy behind Steph's Zumba classes is simple: "Just keep moving." Whether you're a seasoned dancer or a complete novice, the emphasis is on showing up, enjoying the experience, and working towards personal goals.

Hula Hoop classes are available on a weekly basis or as a structured 4-week course. For families looking to bond over fitness, a new Parent and Child class, starting on a trial basis from January 9th, provides a unique opportunity. The 4-week program, from 4:30-5.15pm, is priced at £20 for 12+ participants and £14 for under 12s. Pay as you go rates are £6/4.

An adults only class runs on Tuesdays from 6-6.45pm, priced at £20 for a 4-week course or £6 pay-as-you-go.

Aerial Hoop, which is new to the North Coast area, has garnered positive reviews from attendees. This challenging yet immensely enjoyable hobby promises benefits including increased strength, flexibility, coordination, balance, and self-confidence. Steph encourages prospective participants to start as soon as possible, emphasizing that the sooner you begin, the sooner your life will change for the better. Aerial Hoop classes are bookable on a 4-week basis from the week beginning January 8th, with various days and timeslots available. Priced at £44 for 4 weeks or £15 pay-as-you-go, this exciting venture into aerial fitness is an investment in your well-being.

For the latest updates and to join the vibrant fitness community, follow Steph at @fitnesswithsteph on Facebook or Instagram. Direct inquiries and bookings can be made by contacting Steph at 07802631677 or [email protected].

In 2024, redefine your fitness journey with Steph, where resolutions evolve into lasting habits, and every step is a celebration of personal achievement. 

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